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Community Planning and Design Competition for
Duman Agricultural Landscape of Sta. Rita, Pampanga


Santa Rita as an agricultural municipality located in the province of Pampanga, Philippines,  is well-known for their particular rice grain called duman.  It is a glutinous rice that takes a meticulous process that spans from planting, cooking, up to the limited distribution of the product.  This agricultural crop plays a potent and vital role in the preservation of Sta. Rita culinary heritage in the province of Pampanga in the Philippines.


This product is only available during December.  The culture and actual production and preparation is being threatened and is continuously being endangered because of climate change, knowledge transfer to younger generations and provision of spaces in terms of culture preservation.  The aforementioned municipality comprises 10 barangays which are very agricultural in nature. Unfortunately, out of these 10 barangays, Barangay Santa Monica is the only significant community who still continues to practice this heritage to this day.

As a result of this first-of-its-kind research, the site now calls for a Master Development Plan that will cater to the Evaluative Dimension of the Agricultural Landscape values model – Ecological, Production, Economic, Cultural, and Social aspects.  This event, carried out as a student design competition, is part of a research funded by the Commission of Higher Education.  It heeds the call to refocus development on agricultural areas that will benefit both the LGU and the community in safeguarding their cultural heritage through practical applications in design.


In addition, the results of the evaluation from Cunanan, 2018 research strongly serves to aid designers and planners on how to better conceive, re-shape, and re plan our rural areas, particularly agricultural farms.  This unique research methodology fosters capabilities and usable approaches to explore new ideas and re-establish strategies in integrating and translating solutions on community planning.

About The Event
Key Design Challenges


  • The competition challenges students to explore opportunities for rural areas specifically agricultural landscape in translating the results on  the research entitled “Pamañime ning lacatan malutu” (Separate chaff from grain) Multi-dimensional Assessment of Agrarian Cultural Landscape Values: A Case Study of Duman Agricultural Landscape of Barangay Sta. Monica.

  • The proposed ideas should demonstrate and integrate solutions on the five (5) Evaluative dimensions of the Agricultural Landscape values model – Ecological, Production, Economic, Cultural, and Social aspect.

  • The solution is open to any appropriate strategies or concepts that are easily relatable and practical to LGU and the community.


The site for which a Master development plan will be the central focus of this student design charette is located at Barangay Santa Monica, Santa Rita, Pampanga. Link to Google Maps here.

Land Use Map.png
Project Site


  • The competition is open to all undergraduate students of Architecture and Landscape Architecture in Region III Central Luzon - specifically coming from the provinces of Pampanga, Bulacan, Bataan, Nueva Ecija, Zambales, and Tarlac preferably having undergone Planning subjects. 

  • Both individual and group submissions will be accepted, and each student or group is allowed only one entry.  For group submission, only one submitting person is required to register, in order to avoid duplication of entries.

  • Members of the participating group shall not exceed five (5).  Only students are eligible to be members of the participating team.   Hence,  professors, mentors, program director, chairpersons, alumni, etc. are not eligible for the competition.  Non undergraduate students and non architecture and landscape architecture students, or both who join and submit entires will be automatically disqualified.

  • Associates, colleagues and professional collaborators of the members of the jury and their relatives up to a third degree of affinity and consanguinity, are not allowed to enter the competition.

  • Students are restricted to contact any member of the jury prior to or during the competition process.




Php 15,000

+ 5k Cash Donation*



Php 5,000

+ 5k Cash Donation*


Php 10,000

+ 5k Cash Donation*

Cunanan Designs Logo

* Cash donations courtesy of Cunanan Designs


  • Cohesive concept and proposals to the overall design requirement

  • Clear Design process

  • Effective and attractive communication of design

  • Clearly stated site synthesis with appropriate methods and approaches based on the site issues

  • A spatial form design that triggers a unique impression together with the qualities of the landscape

  • Demonstrates reflective and innovative design approaches which are feasible and adaptable to development and changes in the future.

  • Effective and reflective design that addresses the five (5) Evaluative dimension of Agricultural Landscape values

  • Integration of the practical and aesthetic aspects of landscape architectural works

Evaluation Criteria


STEP 1: Fill Out Declaration Form

Upon completing the online registration, an ENTRY NUMBER will be sent to the registered email

alongside access information and instruction to competition files.

STEP 2: Confirmation

“Pamañimé ning lacatan malutu” (Separate chaff from grain) Uncovering the Cultural Landscape Values of

Green-Gold Rice fields of Santa Rita, Pampanga, Philippines.

STEP 3: Attendance to Webinar Series


Alvin Alviz

Riteñan, Cultural Worker, Kapampangan Musician

and Leader of the Musical Group ArtiSta. Rita

Ar. Angeli Marzan

Architect with experience in project coordination, 

transport architecture and sustainable tourism

Ar. Michelle Anne Santos - Tolentino

Architect, Environmental Planner and Part-time Faculty at

De La Salle - College of St. Benilde School of Design and Arts;

Co-Founder of ATMA Design Studio

Jim Leandro P. Cano

Director, Agritech 8Layer Technologies Inc.


Mike Pangilinan

Program Director, Aguman Sinupan Singsing Inc.


Randy Del Rosario

Municipality of Sta. Rita, LGU Tourism Officer

Prepare the design submission based on the instructions provided, save the design files and the forms

(Declaration From, Entry Details Form and Submission Checklist) and prepare to upload via your preferred

online cloud storage (google drive, wetransfer, dropbox, one drive and etc). Please ensure all A1 panels and forms

are filled with the ENTRY NUMBER provided in the confirmation e-mail

STEP 4: Preparation for Submission

Upon uploading of files to your preferred online storage.

Login to your registered account and submit your cloud storage DOWNLOAD LINK.

STEP 5: Online Submission


PDF files of posters must have a 300dpi resolution and the maximum size of the file shall be 200MB. Larger files will not be accepted. It is the responsibility of the authors/teams to guarantee that the final images and files are in the size and resolution adequate to their legibility.

Online Submission Guide


  1. Participation in the Competition implies unconditional acceptance of the Competition Rules.

  2. All Competition entries are the property CHED & NCCA. Entries will not be returned to the authors.

  3. The works submitted by competition entrants may be placed on exhibition in digital or paper format as part of the research and showcase deemed relevant by the research project director.

  4. The research project director retains the right of duplication and publication of any or all materials submitted to the Competition, and there shall be no obligation whatsoever to the entrants, beyond the rightful acknowledgement of the authorship of the works exhibited or published.

  5. All entrants are absolutely forbidden to have their submissions (or any part thereof) published in any way prior to the notification of the jury’s final decision. The jury shall preside over the competition and is the sole arbiter at all levels until the final attribution of prizes. All decisions of the jury are final.

  6. The winner shall be announced by the Project Director upon recommendation and confirmation of the jury.

  7. Entrants are forbidden from requesting any information from the members of the jury.

Competition Rules


Open for Call entries

25 Aug 2021


30 Oct 2021

Registration closes at 6.00pm (Philippine Time: UTC or GMT +8)

Online Orientation and Webinar Series

15 Oct 2021


31 Dec 2021

Submission closes at 6.00pm (Philippine Time: UTC or GMT +8)

Jan 2022

Competition Judging and Announcement of the Winners

Important Dates


For questions on Design Competition:

Mobile / Viber Hotline:  +63 999 911 1718

For more details on this CHED-funded research, contact:

Project Director, Ar. Joshua S. Cunanan


Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
G/F Higher Education Development Center (HEDC) Building
CP Garcia Ave., UP Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
Tel:  +63 2 441 1260

SALIKHA Final Logo (K12 format).png

De La Salle - College of St. Benilde (DLS-CSB)
School of Design and Arts (SDA) - Architecture
950 Pablo Ocampo Street, Malate, Manila 1004
Tel:  +63 2 8230-5100

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